How to Make Yourself Indispensable at Work

Abigail Noel • May 19, 2021

Simple tips for making yourself indispensable at work.

Developing outstanding habits in the workplace can take decades to learn. Practice these work habits and watch your necessity on the job grow.

  1. Do more than what is asked. How to do it: When given a task, put yourself in the boss’ shoes. For example, ask, “What will management above my boss additionally want in this report that was not requested?”
  2. Avoid more mistakes. How to do it: Don’t ignore the small voice of warning in your head that says, “I better get clarification on…,” “Better check on…,” “I should inform my boss about….”
  3. Take action to solve problems others ignore. How to do it: When you spot a problem that needs to be fixed, claim the high ground and create a solution or initiate the process if others are needed to participate.
  4. Practice positivity. How to do it: No one feels happy all the time, but make a positive attitude your calling card. It will be remembered more easily than your name will.
  5. Systematize and organize. How to do it: Create systems to save time and reduce repeating time-consuming tasks. This frees you for greater productivity, improved energy, and less fatigue.
  6. Maintain a neat and orderly work area or office that greets you with a “smile” when you arrive at work. You’ll feel more energetic as you start your day.

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